A photo of me at home

A photo of me at home
A new photo of me and Jean at home

Friday, 14 March 2014

Life with MND - February 2014

It may be that future instalments of my story are a bit terse. In that, my ‘trusty right arm has now deteriorated to the extent that at times it’s very difficult to manoeuvre the mouse/cursor  onto the allotted key on the ‘on screen’ keyboard, but I’ll persevere for  as long as possible.

In bed, the introduction of ‘deep heat’ (muscular relief for left hip) and Nytol—(herbal remedy) to help induce sleep has definitely improved my sleep pattern from January remarks.

Because I monitor myself so closely, I’m now seeing the alarming rate of deterioration.  The simplest of little tasks can now be impossible as spasticity creeps on, especially in the arms and hands. This means Jean has had once again, to 'up' her caring workload. This is posing communication problems, in that, my hand signs are deteriorating and not too easy for her to get my meaning, but no doubt we will find a solution.

I’ve always thought death as a result of MND would be because of respiratory failure. However my breathing is good, so I suspect I’m here for ‘the long haul’ — some days up for  the challenge,  others debatable!

It is the core tiredness I feel and the concentrated effort one puts into the easiest of tasks that on occasions become impossible, which then ends in frustration. I hope readers can make sense of this, but it’s difficult to explain if one hasn’t travelled in my long drawn out   journey.

Finally, by far my worst fear is that if I allow the mind to rule my thinking — this  can very easily lead to agitation. This can then go onto all sorts of dramas and I get irrational, not a good place to be!  This state of affairs has only happened on very rare  occasions, but if ever a particular set of upsetting circumstances occur, this is when I bring in  the previous mentioned  ‘mind over matter’ — which helps  me avert the mind to more positive thoughts. To date it usually works; other  than when hospitalised in November .