A photo of me at home

A photo of me at home
A new photo of me and Jean at home

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Gordie’s blog - February 2016

Now written by Gordie's daughter, Alison.
Sadly the time has come where Gordie (Dad) is no longer able to type up his thoughts for his Blog. Movement in his right hand is minimal and it takes a huge amount of effort to type a few words now. Dad has resigned himself to keeping what strength he has for typing to communicate with Mum and the surrounding Care Team.

Through my phone calls with Mum and overnight visit every 2-3 weeks I’d like to keep the Blog going for Dad. Checking the Blog hits always gave him such a buzz and he always felt that if writing down his experience with MND was ever a help or comfort to a sufferer or carer then it was a job worth doing.

Week commencing 15.02.16 - Dad had a new catheter fitted it’s the first time that he has reached a scheduled replacement as previously they have had to be replaced due to them bypassing. In an effort to try and avoid the bypassing and the inconvenience it caused to the health visitors and Marie Curie nurses (if it happened during the evening) the routine Jean has adopted of flushing the catheter on shower days has removed the problem of the catheter bypassing and the need to have it changed so often. 

Emergency respite care - there has been a meeting to discuss emergency temporary care if anything were to happen to Mum. This time last year Mum was admitted to hospital as an emergency and it highlighted an issue as far as Dads immediate care was concerned. My brother Ross was working in an area that had no mobile service. I live in Aberdeen a 2hr drive away and it was a scramble phoning around the few people that are in a position to provide care for Dad. We have to remember that just because Dad can no longer communicate doesn't mean he's challenged mentally - anyone popping in might think he's just sitting in his chair all day but in actual fact all his requirements although not onerous are very specific and need to be carried out in a certain way that is tried and tested and has been adapted and tweaked to accommodate the progression of his disability. The Respite home in Forres called Tigh Varis provides a one on one service and it is hoped that Dad's case will be reviewed and an overnight stay will be organised which will be tailored to his requirements. Just as a wee trial.

Excessive fluids - 19.02.16 Mum has applied a patch no bigger than a plaster to Dad to see if it helps reduce the egress of fluid from his mouth and nose. Some days fluids come out as quickly as they are being administered and it can be a full time job wiping his nose and mouth and not ideal for Dad. So hopefully these patches will help stem the flow and provide him some respite.