A photo of me at home

A photo of me at home
A new photo of me and Jean at home

Monday, 3 August 2015

Life with MND – 2015 - 4

David Niven actor  - he died in 1983 with MND – I once read that to signify things were ‘OK’ he always gave a ‘thumbs up’. I did the same until the beginning of this year when I lost the mobility and dexterity of my ‘trusty’ right hand, so I can no longer give a clear and precise ‘thumbs up’ – this has been a big blow to all who tend my needs when the sign of the thumb meant I accepted the present condition.

Breath Stacking in bed - the Physiotherapist taught me this technique whereby you exhale to your limit –then inhale, in three separate stages until lungs are full as person can manage (expand the chest but try and avoid lifting the shoulders) then hold the breath for as long as possible, then open the mouth and let the air out in a sudden burst - I also do other exercises in bed, which includes ankles, legs, hips, and pelvic core strength.
 To help me sleep - same procedure as above, other than this time I take in a steady intake of breath - without the stacking, when the lungs are full; hold the breath for as long as possible until I get a ‘giddy feeling’ again open the mouth and let the air out in a sudden burst - ensuring the lungs are as empty as possible. 3 or 4 occasions with this exercise helped me sleep in 2013/14 when I could count up to 7 before the lungs were full. But by spring of 2015 I could only manage a count of 5 for full capacity, it’s now July and only get up to a count of 3 -- so now I take Sudafed and wear a nose strip in bed, which aids breathing.  Sudafed is not recommended by Doctor, but having no problem with breathing throughout the night is so important to me. I’ve no problem breathing throughout the day whilst in my chair.

 Memories - I recalled my parents had a picture of an owl with the caption:-
A wise old owl lived in an oak,
The more he heard the less he spoke,
The less he spoke the more he heard,
Why can’t we be like that wise old bird?

It’s funny how the saying meant nothing in the past, but now with no speech it makes a lot of sense. I occasionally get frustrated and feel if I’d speech I would react immediately, but now I sleep on it and by next morning I’ve calmed down and find it’s not worth effort and bother of persuing it.  After all anger is a condition where the tongue works faster than the mind - and remember silence is sometimes the best answer!

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