Information for carers—July 2012
Jean-comes down stairs at around 06-40 to get me up, unplugs electric chair
from charger: tilts mattress to near upright position then gets me on chair via
rota turner, and puts slippers on.
Gordon—I’m in the bathroom for about 20mins, and then go
through for breakfast.
Jean—prepares, and sets out my breakfast normally finished just before
0800hrs, and then Jean puts on day socks: then that’s me in bathroom/dressing
area until 09-20.
Jean—comes in and tucks my tee shirt into pants: puts on selected top:
pulls up trousers tucks in top, if needed and ties top button of trousers: she
then leaves me to finish off. When I come through she makes coffee.
Gordon—this is “my Chill out time” when I read the
newspaper on line: by the time I’ve finished coffee it’s normally around
1100hrs. I then exercise for 20mins followed by filing/admin/typing till
1200hrs when it’s lunch.
Jean—sets out
salad lunch, cutting up any meat/quiche/pie, and pours up a fruit juice.
Gordon—normally I’d finish lunch by 12-30 then its living
room with feet up and a nap till around 1400hrs then on computer until 1500hrs.
Jean—comes through and makes coffee.
Gordon—“chill out time” again when at my coffee I’d
usually play solitaire and read, or send
emails by then it’s 1600hrs: its
exercise for half an hour followed by “bits and bobs” until tea around 1700hrs.
Jean—prepares cooks and serves up my meal.
Gordon—the next time I need Jean is around 2200hrs to take
off tops. I then go into dressing area get trousers off and put on pyjama
trousers, buzz Jean.
Jean—takes off day socks, and puts on night socks: put on pyjama top and
tucks top into trousers: when I’m organized she gets me from chair to bed via
rota turner and spreads up duvet and secures with bungee on back rail. Hopefully that’s me till 06 -40 and then repeat procedure the following day.
Obviously Jean
helps me with many other tasks throughout all days, but the above guide is the
absolute essentials for carers.
Feed back for Crossroad Carers—
Jean had a nice
relaxing respite break at our timeshare in Aviemore. Allison, our daughter was
up for the duration, but it was important to try ‘Crossroads’ now with Allison
as a ‘backup’
However, Steve,
the carer did just fine, and it allowed Allison and Ito bond in a different set
of circumstances.
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