A photo of me at home

A photo of me at home
A new photo of me and Jean at home

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Life with MND 2012 - Part 4

Most noticeable at this time is the frightening acceleration of muscles weakening in shoulders, and finer manipulation of fingers.

To let readers realise the extent of weakening disabilities:-
 I now have to make two attempts (with good rest in between) at shaving, because muscles too weak to hold electric razor up for the 6mins needed.
I find it difficult now for fingers to break paracetamol caplet in half and find free standing now without some sort of support a problem (this will end my independence in so many ways, especially whilst dressing.)
Transferring from manual chair to electric chair, the feet can get as if welded to the floor, but at least I can get Jean to use the roto turner for this procedure.
Finally, the trusty right arm, which served me well since diagnosed, is almost similar to my left now virtually useless if away from the body for any distance!

Regarding information for carers in July. I like to think I’ve maintained the same level of independence in December. This has only happened through dogged perseverance and a few attempts at some particular tasks whilst dressing. (This may be wishful thinking, Jean would have the honest answer)

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